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Excessive Sweating HyperhidrosisHyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes your body to excessively sweat more than you need to

Approximately 2% of the population in the United States is affected by hyperhidrosis. It is a medical condition that causes profuse sweating in the hands, underarms and/or feet.

For people with hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can weigh on every decision in life. Most people don’t think very hard about what shirt to wear or the color of their clothing. However, to a person with hyperhidrosis, these decisions are key and can dictate whether they participate in an activity or avoid it completely. Social events can be canceled simply because of a bout of excessive sweating makes it too embarrassing to be seen in public. Many sufferers of hyperhidrosis struggle just to leave the house each day because of excessive sweating.

Finding a Doctor

Finding a medical professional that really understands the problem and is able to offer a solution can be a daunting problem. Some patients go years without even knowing the name of the medical condition they are suffering from. Not surprising, there are a number of doctors and clinical professionals that fall short trying to treat excessive sweating.

Dr. Lee has dedicated his life’s work to looking for solutions to difficult health problems such as hyperhidrosis. He created a health model called Diamond Matrix. The foundation of the Diamond Matrix health model is that all health conditions are intertwined in a person.

Basically, a condition such as hyperhidrosis has the ability to completely derail a person in every aspect of their life leading to other more serious health conditions such as chronic depression and other significant psychological problems.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that is marked by excessive sweating that is not triggered by temperature or physical activity. The excessive sweating is instead a result of an overactive sympathetic nerve chain. This chain of nerves delivers information to the body about stress and impending danger. Sometimes these nerves, that control sweat glands, can exaggerate response to situations that normally would not cause sweating. This is considered hyperhidrosis and could be a hereditary condition.

Sometimes excessive sweating can be caused by medical conditions such as anxiety, obesity, diabetes, menopause, leukemia, overactive thyroid and others. This type of sweating is not considered primary hyperhidrosis and should be treated by addressing the underlying medical condition responsible for the excess sweating.

Typical Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Many of the doctors that treat hyperhidrosis offer patients marginally successful options such as;

  • Prescription Medications
  • Creams
  • Neurotoxin Injection(Botox)
  • Special Antiperspirants
  • Acupuncture
  • RF Micro-needling

If you have tried any of these treatments, it is likely you are not completely satisfied with the results. Treatments such as neurotoxin injections can be painful, expensive and require regular repeat injections every 3-4 months. The success rates for the other options such as pills and antiperspirants are so low that most patients look for alternative treatments.

Advanced Hyperhidrosis Surgical Procedures

For more than 50 years doctors have been performing surgical procedures to try to rid patients of excessive sweating. These early procedures were very invasive requiring surgeons to cut the patient wide open at the back, chest and neck. In 1990, endoscopic surgery revolutionized procedures for hyperhidrosis and made it an outpatient procedure. Since then, medical advances have developed even safer procedures for hyperhidrosis with the 1065 advanced surgical laser.

For Hands and Feet

Sympathectomy – Is an endoscopic surgical procedure to permanently or temporarily sever the nerve signals that are responsible for sweating in hands and/or feet. During the endoscopic sympathectomy procedure, a very small incision is used to either clamp or completely sever the nerve chain.

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis and is much less invasive than the early day surgeries. There is little to no scaring and the results are immediate. The nerves responsible for hand sweating are in the upper part of the chest (thoracic cavity) and the nerves responsible for foot sweating are in your lower back (lumbar region).

A sympathectomy has proven to be very successful at eliminating sweating in hands and feet. However, it is complex surgical procedure that can also have unintended consequences, not related to sweating, because it involves cutting or clamping the sympathetic nerves.

For Underarms

Surgical Laser Procedure – Advances in technology have enabled doctors to perform minimally invasive hyperhidrosis surgical procedures using advanced lasers. During the procedure, a special surgical wand is inserted under the skin through a very small incision. The wand delivers a laser beam to the targeted sweat glands permanently eliminating them. Prior to the procedure, a special iodine solution is used to map where the sweat glands to be treated are located in the underarm region.

A Clinical Trial for the surgical laser procedure demonstrated a 93% reduction in sweating in patients with hyperhidrosis. Dr. Lee in one of only a few experts in the United States that performs this procedure on the underarms. The results of this surgical procedure are immediate and most patients only need one treatment to achieve maximum results.

Finding the Right Doctor

These advanced surgical procedures can be very effective in treating hyperhidrosis and are done on an outpatient basis with immediate results. The problem with these procedures can be finding a qualified doctor that is able perform them. It takes years of practice to expertly perform these delicate procedures and only a handful of skilled surgeons have mastered them through years of practice.

Get Help Today

The staff at Advanced Surgical Arts in Plano Texas invites you to meet our team during a complimentary consultation and learn more about our minimally invasive surgical procedure for combating hyperhidrosis. This procedure can change your life forever and help eliminate your chronic sweating problem.

If you have been searching for help with your hyperhidrosis, Advanced Surgical Arts has a solution. Contact us at 972-612-1900 to meet with Dr. Doohi Lee, one of the world’s leading experts on the surgical laser procedures for hyperhidrosis.

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